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Business Canvas Overview

How to build out your customizable canvas in GLIDR

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago

The Business Canvas is a place to capture and develop those Ideas that relate directly to the overall Business, whereas the Product Canvas is a place to develop your Ideas relating to a specific Product within the Business. 

The canvas default is the Business Model Canvas, but you can also use the Lean Canvas or a custom canvas. Sections are also customizable. NOTE: Features marked with a * symbol are available for Team tier users and above.

Canvas View

  1. *Organization Settings

  2. Displays Organization name (Starter) or *Project name (Team tier and above)

  3. Project Settings (Team tier and above): access Settings, Team Members, Integrations, Templates, Export, and Notification Preferences

  4. Ideas: navigate to the canvas to view all Ideas

  5. Experiments: navigate to the Experiments tab

  6. Evidence: navigate to the Evidence tab

  7. Project Menu: access Activity Feed, Project Overview, and, for Enterprise Users, the Project Dashboard

  8. Search: Fields within cards: titles, content, names of interviewees, tags and documents or search cards across organizations

  9. *Organization Resources: Customer Discovery Questions, Financial Model Template, Task Management

  10. GLIDR Tour: access a guided tour of the GLIDR canvas as well as a direct button to our Help Center packed with resources

  11. Notification Drawer: access all notifications related to your project by yourself and other team members as well as Drafts and a direct button to your Inbox

  12. Account Menu: access Profile & Account Settings, Notification Preferences, *switch between organizations, and sign out.

  13. Big Red + Button: add an Idea, Experiment, Evidence, or a Post.

  14. + Button: add an idea to the Canvas

  15. Business Canvas: displays your Ideas within the Business Model Canvas

  16. Product Canvas: displays your Ideas within the Product Canvas

  17. Show Connections: allows you to select an Idea and see which other Ideas are linked to it

  18. Expanded/ Collapsed View: View all-to-most of your assumptions on the same canvas

  19. Kanban View: displays your Ideas as a scrollable Kanban list

  20. Canvas Section Label: set to the traditional Business Model Canvas labels as default

  21. Filters: filter through your Ideas

  22. Additional Filters: filter by creator and/or publish date

  23. Canvas Section Label: set to the traditional Business Model Canvas labels as default

  24. Sectional + Button: add an Idea to that related section of the canvas

  25. Idea Result: Validated: shows the result of the Idea as validated

  26. Idea Result: Invalidated: shows the result of the Idea as invalidated

  27. Trending Icon: indicates the Trending Score of all evidence linked to the Idea (Confirming)

  28. Trending Icon: indicates the Trending Score of all evidence linked to the Idea (Disconfirming)

  29. Connected Evidence: indicates the number of Evidence linked to this Idea

  30. Chat to Us: click this icon to send a message to the GLIDR team

Kanban View

Switching to the Kanban view allows you to move Ideas between sections and prioritize Ideas within sections.

Ready to start filling out your Product Canvas? Click here.

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