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Product Canvas Overview

Familiarize yourself with the Product Canvas and start optimizing your product roadmap.

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago

The Product Canvas allows you to capture feature ideas, user stories, pain points and opportunities directly in GLIDR.

Add an Idea

Adding your Ideas is easy; just click on one of the + buttons on your Canvas. If you're not ready to start working on your Idea yet, just move it to your Backlog and come back to it later.

Categorize your Ideas

Your Ideas can be categorized by the following attributes:

  • Roadmap - where the Idea is on your roadmap (i.e. "Now", "Next", "Future", etc.)

  • Status - the status of the Idea (i.e. "In Development", "Live", etc.)

  • Theme - your own categorization based on sub-sections of your product (i.e. "iOS", "Android", "Web", etc.)

  • Prioritization Score - a numerical or matrix score, indicating the priority of an Idea

  • Assignee - who will take the lead for this Idea

  • Result - have you validated or invalidated this Idea?

Prioritize Your Ideas

In order to help minimize subjectivity, which can lead product teams to waste time and effort building ultimately unsuccessful new products and features, GLIDR allows you to use several prioritization methods to help you prioritize your roadmap.

Switch Views

Visualize your roadmap in a way that works for you. While the Product Canvas defaults to List View, you can change to the Kanban view depending on your preferences.

Connect Evidence

Connect the feedback your users are giving you with the Ideas on your Roadmap and delight your customers with features you know they'll love.

Learn more about Customizing your Canvas.

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