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ICE Scores

How to use ICE (impact, confidence, ease) scores to prioritize your product roadmap

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago


ICE is an acronym for Impact, Confidence, Ease. Each factor is graded on a 10-scale and the average of the three numbers is the calculated ICE score. It's essentially a simpler version of RICE, without the Reach variable and using Ease instead of Effort.

When to Use ICE:
Use the ICE model when you don't feel the need to differentiate between reach and impact.

How it works in GLIDR

Once you've set up Product Scoring, you can assign scores to your Ideas either from within an Idea card, or in-line in List View. Using the guidelines above, you can use the sliders to change the values in each of the fields and GLIDR will calculate your ICE score. Updating any of the fields will automatically change your score.

You can filter by Product Score while in List View, by selecting the ICE filter and choosing the range of scores you'd like to see. For example, using this to move low scoring Ideas to the Backlog, and prioritizing your higher scoring Ideas further up your Roadmap.

Setting up Prioritization Scoring

Starter tier:

To set up your scoring options, navigate to Account Menu > Team Settings > then Product Ideas. At the bottom of the page, you'll be able to turn ICE scoring on and off, along with the other scoring options. Note: only Admins and Owners can enable Prioritization Scoring.

Team, Business, Enterprise tiers:

To set up your scoring options, navigate to Project Settings > Settings > then Product Ideas. At the bottom of the page, you'll be able to turn ICE scoring on and off, along with the other scoring options. Note: only Admins and Owners can enable Prioritization Scoring.

ICE scoring works as a simple sliding scale menu, allowing you to select your Impact, Ease and Confidence scores, and doesn't need any further configuration in settings.

Once you've enabled ICE scoring, you'll find it in your Idea cards and in List View.

Click here to find out more about other scoring methods available in GLIDR.

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