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Turn Features On and Off

Don't need the full feature set? Turn them off (until you want them)!

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago

Need Discovery tools but no Business Canvas on your project? Simplify your view by only toggling on what you need based on the stage and approach of your work, and turn off the features you're not using - yet!

You can set this up for each individual project. From Project Settings > Features, toggle on/off the Product Canvas, Public Portal, Business Model Canvas, Experiments, and the Project Overview (the project details page). You must keep at least one Idea Canvas (Product or Business) on.

If you have data in a section, such as an experiment, turning off Discovery will just hide that experiment - and the Discovery section - from view for the team. When you turn the feature back on, your data will reappear exactly as you left it.

NOTE: When features are turned off, the correlated figures will also not appear in metrics counts on the project dashboard and other areas in the app.

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