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Create a Google Forms zap
Samantha Hollon avatar
Written by Samantha Hollon
Updated over a week ago

Using Google Forms to create an Evidence card.

  1. Select Google Forms as your trigger app.

  2. Select your Trigger Event. We recommend "New Response in Spreadsheet."

  3. Choose your Google Forms account to connect.

  4. Set up your Trigger by selecting the Spreadsheet and Worksheet you want to connect.

  5. Test the trigger to confirm connection with Google Forms. It may help to submit a test response to your Google Forms.

  6. Select GLIDR as your Action app and choose your Action Event. In this example, we chose Create Evidence.

  7. Choose your GLIDR account to connect.

  8. Set up your Action with the information you would like included in your Evidence card. For best practices, we selected the questions that include the respondent's Name and Occupation as the title of the card. For the summary, we included the timestamp as well as the remaining responses to the Google Form. Don't forget to include tags for reference!

  9. Test the action to confirm that the zap is working properly.

  10. Turn on your zap!

With this zap, you can use a new response to your Google Forms to create an Evidence card in your GLIDR project. Be sure to check out this other recommended zaps too!

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