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Evidence • Other

Connect survey results, landing page test results, secondary research, competitive analysis, and much more as product management Evidence

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago

In addition to Interviews, you may have additional types of Evidence to share with your team. Using Evidence • Other, you can easily post survey results, landing page test results, secondary research, competitive analysis, and any other Evidence. You can also rate and link it to Ideas on your Canvas.

1. Favorite: mark this Evidence to find later

2. Details/Connections: switch between the Details and Connections views

3. Mark Reviewed: use this to inform other Team Members that this piece of Evidence has been reviewed

4. Ideas and Discovery Icons: indicates the number of Ideas and Discovery tasks linked to this Evidence

5. Edit Button: make edits to this Evidence

6. Three-dot Icon: delete your Evidence

7. Export Icon: exports your Evidence as a PDF

8. Help: open the Help Sidebar

9. Comments: open the Comments Sidebar

10. Added by: indicates which Team Member added the Evidence

11. Evidence: a brief description of the main take-aways

12. Summary: add notes or further detail

13. Hashtags Icon: add hashtags so you can search by tag later

14. Attachments: attach relevant files including recordings, photos or documents

15. Comments Box: add your comments and @mention your teammates

16. Ideas and Research & Experiments Tab: switch between connecting Ideas and your Discovery tasks to this piece of Evidence

17. Connect Button: connect Ideas

18. Ideas: this is where the connected Ideas will appear

19: Product or Business, Roadmap Section, Status: these indicate whether the connected Idea sits in the Product or Business Canvas, which section of the Roadmap it's assigned to and the current Status

20. Trending Score: allows you to rate whether the Evidence supports or doesn't support the connected Ideas

Find out more about adding Interviews here.

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