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GLIDR Starter: User Guide

Find out more about using GLIDR Starter in your workflow

Jordan Duff avatar
Written by Jordan Duff
Updated over a week ago

No idea ends up where it started.

GLIDR puts feedback, discovery and validation at the center of your product development process. Add your Ideas, set up a robust product roadmap, test your Ideas through Research & Experiments, and connect validated Evidence.

Add an Idea

Kickstart your roadmap with product opportunities, customer problems and feature ideas. Just click on any of the + buttons to get started.

Connect some Evidence

How do you separate the signal from the noise? Bring in Evidence to validate your ideas and make data-driven decisions on what to build next.

Set up your Canvas

Want to know what the team's working on next? Categorize by Roadmap. Need a high-level overview of an Idea's progress? Switch to List View and see everything you need in front of you. 

Customize your Canvas

Customization is at the heart of GLIDR. Make your roadmap fit your workflow, with customizable Themes, Roadmap and Status.

Install the Chrome Extension

The Evidence you can bring in to GLIDR is almost limitless, using our Chrome Extension. Just highlight whatever you'd like to bring in, and send it to GLIDR as Evidence with one click.

Carry out some Research

There’s plenty to learn about your product. Add structure to your discovery process by planning and running Research in GLIDR. From conducting interviews and exploring user problems to testing prototypes, you can easily set objectives, do your research and analyze shareable reports. Then, look back on what you’ve learned and get started on whatever’s next.

Invite your teammates

GLIDR is made for collaboration. With multiple permission levels, you can control access to your Project, while keeping your team in the loop

Ready to go? Feel free to explore our Help Center for further information, or reach out to us directly by clicking the chat icon in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.

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