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What's new on GLIDR

Samantha Hollon avatar
Written by Samantha Hollon
Updated over a week ago

July 24, 2023

At GLIDR, we are committed to providing you with the safest and most secure website experience possible! As a part of this commitment, we have introduced DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions). Read more here: Security Update DNSSEC

April 4, 2023

Switch engaged! Now Enterprise users have the options between Light and Dark Mode in the Portfolio Dashboard.

March 6, 2023

You can now harness the power of drag and drop within two of our features: Riskiest Ideas/ Hypotheses and Cohort Resources!

Help identifying which Riskiest Ideas/Hypotheses are most critical and arrange them accordingly. This feature is currently available for Enterprise and Academic tiers.

And for Academic users Cohort Resources!

December 22, 2022

We are incredibly excited to announce our new native transcription tool! Transcribe live conversations within your Evidence card or upload audio and video files to transcribe. This feature is currently available for our Business and Enterprise tiers.

December 2, 2022

For LPG members, you can now invite multiple users with a CSV file!

October 31, 2022

We're excited to announce two new features, the first being our Zoom integration! Available to all users, you can now create GLIDR evidence in a Zoom meeting. Check out this step-by-step demo as a guide.

Secondly, for our academic users, you can now create a post via email. Post information to a team's Activity Feed directly through a GLIDR associated email.

August 15, 2022

You can now save your own interview Templates when adding Evidence! Learn how to customize and streamline your interview process in GLIDR.

July 8, 2022

We've made some updates to our Contacts Database! Also, we redesigned adding Contacts to Evidence/Interview cards. You can now add notes to specific contact!

June 30, 2022

We can't completely let the cat out of the bag quite yet, but we've listened to your feedback, and our product team is currently developing solutions for a Zoom integration and transcription tool! Be sure to check back here for updates. We can't wait to show you what we've built!

April 29, 2022

You can now add or remove sections from your product canvas!

March 15, 2022

We have a few updates for all GLIDR tiers!

Users can now like and reply to comments on cards.

We have also added a Collapse/Expand view of the Business Canvas. Collapse your canvas for a perfect view of all your assumptions in one place. Take a screenshot for those weekly company or class presentations!

February 15, 2022

URL links are now active within Idea and Evidence cards!

Simply right click (CTRL + Mouse Click] and select "Open Link in New Tab." The URL link's landing page will then open in a new tab.

Also, you can now preview a PDF when you add the file to your project. To open the preview, hover over the PDF file and click on the download icon. The PDF preview will then open in a separate tab in your browser.

February 7, 2022

You can now track all of your organization's evidence and contacts in one place! The Resource Hub contains the Evidence Locker and Contacts repository.

This feature is available for the Team, Business, and Enterprise tiers.

January 30, 2022

Exciting new features and announcements forthcoming. Stay tuned!

December 3, 2021

The holidays are now upon us, but we're not slowing down at GLIDR! We have a few exciting updates happening this month, the first being our recently added Figma integration.

Check out all the cool features that come with this integration and how to add a Figma prototype to any Idea card in your project!

November 2, 2021

We're "Fall'in" in love with our brand new Email integration! That's right: you can now create evidence from your email inbox.

Here are some best practices for getting the most out of this integration. Creating evidence for your project has never been easier!

October 15, 2021

Though we've been quiet, we've been very busy these past few months developing new features requested by you!

Discover more ways to automate evidence creation in GLIDR by checking out our recently added Zapier integration! Zapier lets you connect GLIDR with thousands of the most popular apps, so you can automate your work and have more time for what matters most—no code required.

Can't decide which zaps to create first? Here are some of our recommended zaps to help you get started.

July 27, 2021

All Discovery activities are now labeled Experiments! All of your previously added Research and Experiment activities can now be found under the Experiments tab on the platform.

You can review all of our updated Experiment articles here in our Help Center.

May 7, 2021

LaunchPad on GLIDR Teams can now export all of their data into a CSV file! Also, LPG teams can successfully migrate their projects to a free trial of GLIDR Teams to continue their work in their very own organization. Lift off and keep innovating!

April 9, 2021

Exciting news! LaunchPad on GLIDR Mentors can now post on their team's Activity Feed.

March 18, 2021

Hi there! It's been awhile since we've last posted. We have many exciting new developments on our GLIDR platform!

Our biggest news is that we have added the lean LaunchPad as a new tier on GLIDR. The platform helps organizations to run portfolios of innovation teams record their customer interviews and business model canvas iterations every week, while helping portfolio managers keep track of their teams’ progress over time.

This tier is perfect for academic and accelerator programs. Check out our walkthrough videos, guides, or FAQ sections for more information.

Also, GLIDR users now have more filter options to connect Interviews/Evidence to Ideas.

September 17, 2020

It's been quiet here - but not for us! Our team has been working hard on improving app performance, tidying up bits of code, and sweeping any little bugs out the door. Everything from uploading attachments, opening cards, and quickly moving through the app should be faster and more beautiful than ever before.

June 30, 2020

Our new walkthrough videos are live for every tier of GLIDR! If you ever need a quick demo of the features and functionality in GLIDR, this will do the trick in a few minutes.

May 22, 2020

Using GLIDR Enterprise or Business? In Team Management, you can now quickly add users to projects and set their permissions in each.

April 30, 2020

Need Discovery tools but no Business Canvas on your project? Simplify your view by only toggling on what you need based on the stage and approach of your work, and turn off the features you're not using - yet! Find out how here.

For Enterprise and Business users, we're making adding team members to projects even easier. In project settings, you can set a project to Open Access (everyone in your organization can access and work in it), or Limited Access to select which users can access it.

April 9, 2020

Organization-wide search is live! Now you can search your data across all projects. Is there evidence in your organization that could help you in your current project? Search for it, use it, and break down those silos.

March 29, 2020

While you're staying indoors, why not check out the new Customer Profile View? Now you can search all contacts in your organization, associate multiple Evidence entries with a contact, and update contact info for all Evidence with one click.

March 11, 2020

Business Canvas templates are here! Set up your Business Model Canvas however you'd like, save it as a template, and use this template with any (or every) project in your organization. Check out how here!

January 23, 2020

Our own Public Portal is live! Send us some love (and what we can do better) here.

January 8, 2019

🎉 The Public Portal is here.

All Team, Business, and Enterprise users can now display a public roadmap to a selected audience (private or public) to:

  • communicate your product direction, so that users and stakeholders can see what you’re considering, what’s coming next, and what you’ve already built.

  • invite your users to share feedback on your roadmap and get real data.

  • receive user-generated ideas, with context and a rating to let you know how important it is to them.

Learn more about using your Portal here!

October 24, 2019

October 10, 2019

  • We've launched our Business Tier! Now you can add up to 8 projects, invite up to 10,000 viewers, enjoy 100 GB of storage per user, create multiple portals (coming soon!), export all data in CSV format, and view the access logs for your organization. Choose from Starter, Team, Business, or Enterprise to find the version of GLIDR that fits your needs.

  • Prioritization is the name of the game. We've introduced product idea scoring to help you decide which ideas will have the most impact. Choose from ICE, RICE, Impact vs Effort, or Pain vs Frequency.

  • With PDF exports, you can save and share your product and business ideas, evidence, research, and experiments.

  • We're integrating with all your favorite tools - connect to Slack to share updates with your team, Jira to push product ideas into development, Intercom to bring customer feedback directly into your evidence inbox, and more!

  • Invite stakeholders and observers as free viewers to give them a first-hand look into your projects' progress.

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